Why I created this blog...

"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences. "
~Gordon B. Hinckley

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Our Newest Family Member

So where we live, coyotes are rampant right now. They are seriously HORRIBLE. EVERY night we can hear them running through our property and everyone else's around us. They drive me crazy. And this past week, they got both of our little kitties. I'm heartbroken. I know it's a fact of life when you live in a place like we do, but they were family to us. And we miss them terribly.

Monday morning, when I realized that Oliver hadn't come home (one week after his sister Lilly disappeared), I realized that he just wasn't going to. He's NEVER stayed out all night before and NEVER not come when I called him. I looked everywhere for him. I know in my heart that he's gone. I told my husband that if he hadn't come home in the next couple days, that I was going to take the girls to the animal shelter to adopt an indoor only cat. So off we went. And we found one. He's such a doll and just has the cutest face I've ever seen. He makes the girls and I giggle every time he looks up at us. :) Sassy and Stinkbug named him Mr. Magoo. Or "Magoo" for short. Pretty clever huh? I love young minds. Haha. So without further adieu, I am pleased to introduce you to Mr. Magoo. Our 23 pound, medium haired, blue/cross eyed siamese. (Yes, you read that right, he's cross eyed LOL!!!!)

Pretty cute huh?

6 comments. Please click here to leave one!!!:

Kaci said...

Very cute! Hi Kitty!

Anonymous said...

Very cute! His eyes make me giggle too. He looks like a cartoon :)


Anonymous said...

what a cute kitty! Love the eyes :)Keep me posted on your plans to come back up this way so I can plan a night off to come and meet you!!!

Anonymous said...

He's a gorgeous kitty. And 23 pounds. Wow. A big guy at that.

I'm sorry about your other kitties though. :( Coyotes got my grandparents cat. I can't imagine though hearing them like that all the time. EEK!

Jeremy said...


Looks like a soft kitty...do the girls pick up the cats and drag them around?

James Marie said...

Awwww! He is adorable!! I bet the girls are loving him to death! :)