Why I created this blog...

"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences. "
~Gordon B. Hinckley

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sassy's Kindergarten Picture

She was a superstar for me. She woke up yesterday and said, "Mommy, my front tooth is going to come out today! It's so loose" So yeah, we scrambled to get her Kindergarten pictures done before that happened. We had fun. I'll post some of the outtakes when I have more time. Some of her poses scared the crap out of me Haha. I'm definitely fearing for when this one gets older for sure!

And, her tooth still hasn't fallen out..... ;)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

They look so sweet when they sleep don't they?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Baby Goats! Awwwwwwww

So one of our neighbors have baby goats! They are 3 weeks old and just the CUTEST little things. They were hopping and playing together and the girls just got the biggest kick out of it. We are going to the sale yard as soon as we get the back fence finished to get some. They are great to keep the overgrowth down on the property and they are really sweet and friendly. You can even walk them on a leash! Don't believe me? Watch this...


Here are some pictures from last night...

These are a couple of the babies.
Sassy and Stinkbug can be so sweet to each other sometimes!
Hey Stinkbug....You should keep an eye on that mama goat behind you......
Stinkbug!! WATCH OUT! Hahahaha!!!! (No she didn't butt her. Looks like she was about to though huh?)
Sassy, the Goat Whisperer ;)
"What, I wasn't going to eat your shoes....really I wasn't " ;)
Sassy giggling at the goats eating hay out of her hand.
"What are you lookin' at huh?..........Aren't I beautiful?......Look at my smile :) "

And that's all the pictures for now. :) The girls can't wait to go back and see them again. And neither can I. Hopefully we'll have some of our own really soon. Definitely cheaper than the lawn mower we'd need for this place! And cuter too.

Another wonderful visit with Great Grandpa and Great Grandma :)

Great Grandpa and Great Grandma B came out to our new house for the afternoon. We had a wonderful day with them and it was so nice to see them again. It's definitely something we need to do more often. Here are some pictures from our day...

My Little Sassy Girl :)
I love this picture of Sassy with her Great Grandpa.
SO CUTE! (Stinkbug never wants to look at the camera. She doesn't like the flash ;) )
Our family with Great Grandpa :) (And Stinkbug is STILL not looking at the camera)
With Great Grandma and Great Grandpa (Oh, Stinkbug looked up a little bit!)
On our way out to lunch... (And she's looking down again...)Oh my goodness, she LOOKED UP! Haha. Here we are at the restaurant. The food was awesome and the restaurant was really nice too. Definitely a place we'll go to again.

Thank you Grandpa and Grandma for coming out to see us. We really enjoyed our visit and we miss you so much! We can't wait to see you again!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Yummy Recipe Friday! Blondies (from a Brunette) ;)

Make these! You will NOT be disappointed. I promise. *I will be adding pictures to this post this next week, so make sure to check back on this one for pictures of this YUMMINESS* And make sure to check out the bottom of this post to add your link to your favorite recipes!

Blondies From a Brunette ;)
1 c. butter (not margarine), melted
2 cups brown sugar
2 eggs
2 teaspoon vanilla
2 Pinches salt
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 c. roasted macadamia nuts
1 c. dried cherries (or dried fruit of your choice)
1 c. white chocolate chunks

1. Butter a 9x13" dish
2. Mix melted butter with brown sugar - beat until smooth. Beat in eggs and then vanilla.
3. Add salt, stir in flour.
4. Stir in nuts, dried fruit and chocolate chunks
5. Pour into prepared pan. Bake at 350°F 20-25 minutes, or until set in the middle. Careful not to over-bake, if they are a little gooey in the middle, they are PERFECT!!!!

OK, now your turn. Add your name and link to your recipe post in the spaces provided below! And make sure it's the direct link to your recipe post and not just your blog address! (So it will look something like this: http://mamaology.blogspot.com/2008/08/yummy-recipe-friday-blondies-from.html and not just your blog address) And it would also be helpful if you put your recipe name next to your name too! (Example: Cari-Blondies) Post one every friday :) It's perfect for all your weekend baking/cooking! And make these Blondies TODAY!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My great big HUGE find

And I mean HUGE literally. I stopped at a thrift store on my way home from the chiropractors a couple days ago and went in looking for button ups for more dresses. If I do it right, I can get THREE dresses out of this button up.

I put it on my bed for reference. My bed is a CA King. (It covers more than half the width of my bed!!)
That's a whole lotta print for that big man!!
And the best part is the tag. (With my Perez Hilton-esque photo editing hahaha)
Yes, that's 7 XL. Let me spell that out. XXXXXXXL. Oh my word. I'm going to be able to get a few dresses out of this thing. All for the whopping price of $2.50. :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Action Shots!! Action Shots!! : )

I only have the trim left to add, but it's wearable, and Stinkbug HAD to wear her new dress. Here she is in all her modeling glory.....

I added a casing and elastic to the back to make it fit better

Just like her Mama! HA!

Goofy Kid :)

ALMOST done!

My first "Button-Up Shirt Dress"

I LOVE LOVE LOVE www.craftster.org and my most awesomest friend Kelli recently posted a message on my Mommies Club site to a tutorial on how to make little girls dresses from old button-up shirts. I thought "PERFECT!" I've got 2 of those (little girls) and TONS of old button-ups. Fun stuff! I thought I'd post my progress so far...

First, here is the link to the tutorial on crafster

OK, so I forgot to take a picture before I started cutting, so I layed the front of the shirt back on it and took a picture so you all can see what the shirt looked like beforehand. It's a womens medium long-sleeved button up from Buckle. I've probably worn it a handful of times and not at all in the past 4 years, so I sacrificed it ;D

I'll take pictures when I'm done and add it to this post, but here's what I started with: (And say hi to Sassy's foot. Goofball. :D )

After I got all the pieces cut out:

I have an idea for how I want to do the top of the dress though, so I'm going to change up the tutorial ladies a bit. I'll post what I did when I'm done :D More to follow......

Update: 1:15am *Ok, so it's a little after 1am. Here's what I was able to get done after the kids got to bed....I just have the trim left to add and fitting the collar around Stinkbug and we'll see how it works. I ended up using the collar from the shirt and using that instead of 2 shoulder straps. Not sure how this is going to work once I get it on Stinkbug as there won't be anything to hold up the back of the dress, but we'll see. I thought it looked cute when I put it on her before I sewed it all up. ANYWAY, I'm rambling. Here are the pictures....

Front: (See the pocket I added to it over on the side of the skirt? I used the one I took off the front of the shirt. I'll be adding the same trim to that as I do the rest of the dress so it stands out a bit more)


And the next one I've already cut out for a dress for Sassy:(Sorry for the blur, I wasn't paying attention and it's the only one I took of it)

Close-up of the print: (I love this shirt! I'm glad it doesn't fit Rodeoman anymore ;D )

OK, so I have to get material for the trim tomorrow or more like later today Hahaha. That's the life of a mom that sews. Up all night working on projects, and sleepwalking during the day trying to take care of the home and family.

I'll update again when I'm all done and with action shots of the girls in them. :) These are SO easy and SUPER FUN to make. I feel a serious addiction comin' on ;D