Why I created this blog...

"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences. "
~Gordon B. Hinckley

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Another wonderful visit with Great Grandpa and Great Grandma :)

Great Grandpa and Great Grandma B came out to our new house for the afternoon. We had a wonderful day with them and it was so nice to see them again. It's definitely something we need to do more often. Here are some pictures from our day...

My Little Sassy Girl :)
I love this picture of Sassy with her Great Grandpa.
SO CUTE! (Stinkbug never wants to look at the camera. She doesn't like the flash ;) )
Our family with Great Grandpa :) (And Stinkbug is STILL not looking at the camera)
With Great Grandma and Great Grandpa (Oh, Stinkbug looked up a little bit!)
On our way out to lunch... (And she's looking down again...)Oh my goodness, she LOOKED UP! Haha. Here we are at the restaurant. The food was awesome and the restaurant was really nice too. Definitely a place we'll go to again.

Thank you Grandpa and Grandma for coming out to see us. We really enjoyed our visit and we miss you so much! We can't wait to see you again!

3 comments. Please click here to leave one!!!:

Kaci said...

Cute pictures Cari!!

Dana said...

Cute! I love Sassy's dress.

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful family.