Why I created this blog...

"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences. "
~Gordon B. Hinckley

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ahhhhh...still floating from meeting her ♥

I hope she comes back again soon. It was a great show for sure. I just wish my little(est) sister could have been there with us. Then it would have been perfect! Oh, and I have more pictures to post and even a video. But that will come later. I have a munchkin that needs to be tucked in and read to. :)

3 comments. Please click here to leave one!!!:

Anonymous said...

Still jealous. She's going on my "to see" list. :) I look forward to video and more pictures.

Cari @ MamaOlogy said...

Kelli, she's playing your area at the end of this month!!! You can still get tickets. They aren't sold out yet ;) Check her myspace.


Kaci said...

You are so cool Cari! :) LOL! That's so tubular-o-so!